Slough's Most Wanted

(Campaign, Creative)

Slough Borough Council

Shooting from the hip

The team at Slough Borough Council came to us with a very delicate task to tackle, and a multi-layered message to deliver.

Informing a diverse, disengaged community, that the Council was moving to bi-weekly bin collections would be hard enough. adding to that, the fact that the items wanted in the recycling bin were pretty limited, had the potential to confuse and disengage residents even further.

So we took the time up front, to conduct in-depth discovery with the stakeholders at the council. This told us loads about the audience and their challenges when it came to recycling, and gave us insight we never even knew we needed about the recycling process.

A bold approach

We worked with our media partner Richard, to research audiences and their attitudes to recycling, before creating a clear campaign communication framework - giving us the structure from which to hang all messages.

The creative development process gave us three strong routes to explore further with the Slough team - and it was unanimously agreed that boiling the messages down to a simple 'we want these 4 items' approach was essential to actually impact behaviour.

We knew that the Council had a desire to be bold and fresh, and that the average age of residents in Slough, is one of the lowest in the country. This was an opportunity to be different.

The 'Wanted' campaign is a striking approach to council communications, with a strong visual hook and simple messaging to engage those whose first language might not be English.

Richard worked with the audience insight and the campaign creative to deliver a multi-platform campaign to residents in the lead up, and launch of the new waste collection.

The campaign has only recently been launched into the wild, but is already being incredibly well received by the local community - we'll update with stats soon...

"The team really took the time to unpick our request and draw out the key elements. As a result, the creative really hits the spot and we're all very proud of the result.

The professional advice they gave us, helped us to navigate internal stakeholders, and push back on 'helpful suggestions'. The team have embedded measurement into the campaign so we can see exactly what's performing and demonstrate outcomes, not just outputs.

Great management from Helen, really taking the work from us and making it all feel easy"

Caroline Adlem, Head of Communications and Resident Engagement.

Have a project in mind?

We’re always happy to chat to good people, so drop us a line and tell us what stuff is on your mind. The Merest gem of an idea, or a fully-fledged brief, we’re ready for you.